Only "applicable" attributes are shown for each position. Those include, for QB: MS, PS, PC, AB; for RB: RS, MS, HP, BC, REC; for WR: RS, MS, BC, REC; for TE: MS, HP, BC, REC; for OL: MS, HP; for DL, LB, & DB: MS, HP, INT; for K: KA, AKB; for P: KP.
Refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page for the standard attribute ratings for the "non-applicable" attributes.
Rd.Pick | Team | Roll | Draftee | Attributes |
1.1 | New York Giants (thru PIT. thru DEN.) | 43 (45%) | Marcus Allen RB | 38 56 50 50 63 |
1.2 | Pittsburgh Steelers | 86 (30%) | Sam Mills LB | 63 63 50 |
1.3 | Chicago Bears | 64 (30%) | Vann McElroy DB | 63 63 56 |
1.4 | New York Jets | 88 (35%) | Andre Tippett LB | 56 69 19 |
1.5 | New Orleans Saints | 47 (55%) | Felix Wright DB | 56 56 56 |
1.6 | St. Louis Cardinals | 65 (30%) | Mark Duper WR | 44 56 81 63 |
1.7 | Detroit Lions | 83 (35%) | Gerald Riggs RB | 56 50 81 56 38 |
1.8 | Kansas City Chiefs (thru MIA.) | 1 (25%) | Jim McMahon QB | 13 44 50 69 |
1.9 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru GIA. thru PHI.) | 49 (35%) | Mike Merriweather LB | 56 63 50 |
1.10 | Houston Oilers | 71 (25%) | Chip Banks LB | 50 56 38 |
1.11 | Cleveland Browns (thru G.B.) | 16 (10%) | Fred Marion DB | 63 50 63 |
1.12 | Tampa Bay Buccaneers (thru PIT. thru S.F. thru GIA.) | 21 (20%) | Joe Morris RB | 38 56 38 50 31 |
1.13 | Minnesota Vikings | 30 (20%) | Mike Quick WR | 44 63 50 69 |
1.14 | Cincinnati Bengals | 73 (25%) | Mike Lush DB | 56 63 56 |
1.15 | Indianapolis Colts | 64 (35%) | Mike Munchak OL | 31 69 |
1.16 | Buffalo Bills | 54 (30%) | Darrin Nelson RB | 38 50 25 50 50 |
1.17 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru S.F.) | 36 (25%) | Luis Sharpe OL | 44 69 |
1.18 | Detroit Lions (thru WAS.) | 42 (20%) | Jimmy Williams LB | 50 56 50 |
1.19 | Oakland Raiders | 67 (35%) | Sam Washington DB | 56 38 44 |
1.20 | Seattle Seahawks | 74 (35%) | Steve Jordan TE | 38 56 50 63 |
1.21 | Oakland Raiders (thru RAMS) | 6 (50%) | Renaldo Nehemiah WR | 44 63 50 19 |
1.22 | San Diego Chargers (thru T.B.) | 49 (20%) | Marcus Quinn DB | 56 56 56 |
1.23 | New England Patriots | 41 (25%) | Rodney Holman TE | 44 69 50 56 |
1.24 | San Diego Chargers (thru K.C.) | 46 (25%) | Johnie Cooks LB | 50 56 25 |
1.25 | Denver Broncos (thru ATL.) | 5 (70%) | Floyd Eddings WR | 38 56 50 44 |
1.26 | San Diego Chargers | 84 (35%) | Earl Ferrell RB | 50 31 94 50 38 |
1.27 | Dallas Cowboys | 11 (20%) | Roy Foster OL | 38 56 |
1.28 | Cleveland Browns | 44 (50%) | Bubba Paris OL | 19 56 |
2.1 | Washington Redskins (thru PIT.) | 2 (10%) | Benny Perrin DB | 50 50 44 |
2.2 | St. Louis Cardinals | 56 (30%) | Herb Spencer LB | 50 50 31 |
2.3 | Chicago Bears | 64 (25%) | Bob Crable LB | 44 63 25 |
2.4 | Denver Broncos | 21 (30%) | Jeff Bryant DL | 56 56 19 |
2.5 | New Orleans Saints | 85 (20%) | Tootie Robbins OL | 19 50 |
2.6 | Miami Dolphins | 46 (55%) | Phil Epps WR | 38 50 50 50 |
2.7 | Washington Redskins (thru DET.) | 58 (25%) | Bruce Scholtz LB | 50 50 25 |
2.8 | St. Louis Cardinals (thru HOU.) | 88 (25%) | Eugene Marve LB | 44 50 25 |
2.9 | Minnesota Vikings | 53 (100%) | Putt Choate LB | 50 63 25 |
2.10 | Cincinnati Bengals | 60 (15%) | Craig Ellis RB | 38 44 13 50 63 |
2.11 | San Diego Chargers (thru PIT. thru S.F. thru GIA.) | 18 (30%) | Vince Courville WR | 38 50 50 44 |
2.12 | New York Jets | 68 (100%) | Joey Walters WR | 38 56 81 63 |
2.13 | Green Bay Packers | 89 (100%) | Jeff L George DB | 50 44 56 |
2.14 | Philadelphia Eagles | 9 (25%) | Vernon Dean DB | 50 38 50 |
2.15 | Indianapolis Colts | 74 (25%) | Paul Lankford DB | 56 44 44 |
2.16 | Buffalo Bills | 55 (30%) | Bruce McNorton DB | 50 38 50 |
2.17 | San Francisco 49ers | 57 (100%) | Keith Baker WR | 38 50 50 63 |
2.18 | Cleveland Browns (thru WAS.) | 87 (25%) | Perry Tuttle WR | 38 44 50 50 |
2.19 | Oakland Raiders | 79 (25%) | John Fourcade QB | 13 44 44 38 |
2.20 | Seattle Seahawks | 22 (35%) | Joe Nash DL | 44 63 19 |
2.21 | Los Angeles Rams | 20 (25%) | Sean Farrell OL | 50 50 |
2.22 | San Diego Chargers (thru T.B.) | 50 (30%) | Jeff Davis LB | 44 63 25 |
2.23 | New England Patriots | 79 (45%) | Durwood Roquemore DB | 50 38 50 |
2.24 | Detroit Lions (thru PIT. thru K.C.) | 62 (50%) | Rod Connop OL | 31 50 |
2.25 | Atlanta Falcons | 24 (100%) | Carl Brazley DB | 50 44 56 |
2.26 | San Diego Chargers | 62 (30%) | Calvin Daniels LB | 44 56 25 |
2.27 | Green Bay Packers (thru GIA. thru PIT. thru DAL.) | 29 (30%) | Walter Abercrombie RB | 38 44 38 50 38 |
2.28 | Minnesota Vikings (thru CLE.) | 49 (25%) | Bobby Watkins DB | 44 44 56 |
3.1 | Pittsburgh Steelers | 87 (25%) | Anthony Hancock WR | 38 44 50 44 |
3.2 | St. Louis Cardinals | 59 (35%) | Jeff Rohrer LB | 44 44 19 |
3.3 | Chicago Bears | 58 (30%) | Stacey Bailey WR | 38 50 50 50 |
3.4 | Denver Broncos | 71 (25%) | Clayton Weishuhn LB | 44 50 19 |
3.5 | New Orleans Saints | 35 (20%) | Gerald Willhite RB | 38 44 63 50 50 |
3.6 | Oakland Raiders (thru RAMS thru MIA.) | 23 (35%) | Reggie McElroy OL | 31 50 |
3.7 | Detroit Lions | 94 (60%) | Rich Baldinger OL | 25 50 |
3.8 | St. Louis Cardinals (thru HOU.) | 65 (25%) | Rick Woods DB | 50 50 44 |
3.9 | Minnesota Vikings | 86 (25%) | William Graham DB | 44 50 50 |
3.10 | Los Angeles Rams (thru WAS. thru CIN.) | 61 (20%) | Butch Woolfolk RB | 50 31 88 50 44 |
3.11 | Detroit Lions (thru S.F. thru GIA.) | 62 (100%) | Morten Andersen K | 81 75 |
3.12 | New York Jets | 8 (10%) | Terry Tausch OL | 31 56 |
3.13 | Green Bay Packers | 29 (100%) | Gary Anderson K | 81 81 |
3.14 | Philadelphia Eagles | 92 (30%) | Dennis McKnight OL | 25 44 |
3.15 | Indianapolis Colts | 54 (30%) | Ron Hallstrom OL | 19 50 |
3.16 | Buffalo Bills | 87 (50%) | Terry Love DB | 50 44 44 |
3.17 | Detroit Lions (thru S.F.) | 12 (40%) | Orlando McDaniel WR | 38 50 50 44 |
3.18 | Washington Redskins | 64 (50%) | Willard Reaves RB | 38 44 38 50 38 |
3.19 | Oakland Raiders | 13 (25%) | Gerald Bess DB | 38 38 31 |
3.20 | Seattle Seahawks | 32 (75%) | Rob Taylor OL | 25 50 |
3.21 | Dallas Cowboys (thru GIA. thru OAK. thru RAMS) | 71 (100%) | Phil McConkey WR | 38 50 50 44 |
3.22 | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | 15 (35%) | Jim Fahnhorst LB | 44 44 38 |
3.23 | New England Patriots | 93 (20%) | Dwayne Crutchfield RB | 44 25 88 50 25 |
3.24 | Kansas City Chiefs (thru PIT. thru GIA. thru K.C.) | 37 (30%) | Mark Jerue LB | 50 50 25 |
3.25 | Atlanta Falcons | 2 (25%) | Eugene Goodlow WR | 38 38 50 50 |
3.26 | San Diego Chargers | 65 (15%) | Brad Edelman OL | 38 44 |
3.27 | Dallas Cowboys | 61 (20%) | Victor Jackson DB | 50 50 50 |
3.28 | Cleveland Browns | 12 (50%) | Charles Bowser LB | 44 63 19 |
4.1 | Denver Broncos (thru PIT.) | 83 (20%) | Barry Redden RB | 44 38 63 50 25 |
4.2 | St. Louis Cardinals | 38 (10%) | Darryl Haley OL | 31 56 |
4.3 | Chicago Bears | 58 (20%) | Tim Wrightman TE | 31 56 50 44 |
4.4 | Denver Broncos | 74 (70%) | Matt Kofler QB | 13 38 25 25 |
4.5 | New Orleans Saints | 38 (25%) | Mike Baab OL | 38 50 |
4.6 | Kansas City Chiefs (thru MIA.) | 60 (50%) | Brian Baldinger OL | 38 44 |
4.7 | Detroit Lions | 94 (55%) | Sam Bowers TE | 38 50 50 44 |
4.8 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru HOU.) | 99 (40%) | Rod Hill DB | 44 31 31 |
4.9 | Minnesota Vikings | 31 (30%) | Fred Nordgren DL | 56 56 31 |
4.10 | Cincinnati Bengals | 19 (30%) | Mike Durrette OL | 25 38 |
4.11 | New York Jets (thru ATL. thru GIA.) | 23 (10%) | Gerry Raymond OL | 31 56 |
4.12 | New York Jets | 73 (30%) | Ben Utt OL | 25 44 |
4.13 | Green Bay Packers | 62 (30%) | Pete Metzelaars TE | 19 50 50 44 |
4.14 | Philadelphia Eagles | 6 (35%) | George Floyd DB | 44 63 44 |
4.15 | Indianapolis Colts | 79 (15%) | Robert Weathers RB | 44 38 63 50 25 |
4.16 | Buffalo Bills | 8 (10%) | Ralph Williams OL | 31 56 |
4.17 | San Francisco 49ers | 27 (100%) | Norm Johnson K | 69 69 |
4.18 | Minnesota Vikings (thru WAS.) | 38 (35%) | Mike Katolin OL | 38 50 |
4.19 | Oakland Raiders | 93 (20%) | Oliver Luck QB | 13 38 31 38 |
4.20 | Seattle Seahawks | 1 (30%) | Gary Allen RB | 38 38 25 50 31 |
4.21 | Los Angeles Rams | 60 (30%) | Jim Romano OL | 25 44 |
4.22 | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | 37 (25%) | Anthony Griggs LB | 44 56 25 |
4.23 | New England Patriots | 11 (25%) | Jerry Bell TE | 31 50 50 44 |
4.24 | San Diego Chargers (thru K.C.) | 100 (60%) | Art Schlichter QB | 13 19 25 25 |
4.25 | Atlanta Falcons | 91 (35%) | Eric Truvillion WR | 38 38 50 50 |
4.26 | San Diego Chargers | 82 (50%) | Lindsay Scott WR | 31 31 50 44 |
4.27 | Dallas Cowboys | 76 (50%) | Lamont Jeffers LB | 44 44 25 |
4.28 | Detroit Lions (thru CLE.) | 7 (10%) | Kenneth Sims DL | 56 56 19 |
5.1 | Pittsburgh Steelers | 37 (30%) | Sammy Winder RB | 38 44 38 50 31 |
5.2 | St. Louis Cardinals | 84 (35%) | Keith Willis DL | 50 50 19 |
5.3 | Chicago Bears (thru N.E. thru CHI.) | 81 (35%) | David Galloway DL | 44 50 25 |
5.4 | Denver Broncos | 33 (25%) | Harry Sydney RB | 38 44 63 50 38 |
5.5 | New Orleans Saints | 24 (35%) | Byron Walker WR | 25 31 50 44 |
5.6 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru K.C. thru MIA.) | 42 (20%) | Dennis Gentry RB | 25 31 13 50 44 |
5.7 | Washington Redskins (thru DET.) | 8 (100%) | Brian Franco K | 63 63 |
5.8 | Los Angeles Rams (thru GIA. thru HOU.) | 68 (100%) | Scott Norwood K | 63 56 |
5.9 | Minnesota Vikings | 58 (50%) | Steve Bryant WR | 31 31 50 44 |
5.10 | Cincinnati Bengals | 67 (30%) | Robert Brown DL | 38 50 25 |
5.11 | New York Jets (thru ATL. thru GIA.) | 83 (50%) | Booker Reese DL | 50 38 25 |
5.12 | New York Jets | 61 (75%) | Mike Hagen RB | 44 25 88 50 19 |
5.13 | Green Bay Packers | 57 (50%) | Ed Muransky OL | 19 38 |
5.14 | New Orleans Saints (thru PHI.) | 26 (100%) | Dean Dorsey K | 56 69 |
5.15 | Indianapolis Colts | 22 (85%) | Dan Plater WR | 31 31 50 44 |
5.16 | Buffalo Bills | 52 (30%) | Rodney Lewis DB | 50 44 31 |
5.17 | Denver Broncos (thru S.F.) | 13 (30%) | Frank Kalil OL | 31 38 |
5.18 | San Diego Chargers (thru WAS.) | 12 (15%) | Glen Collins DL | 44 50 19 |
5.19 | Denver Broncos (thru OAK.) | 78 (30%) | Lawrence Sampleton TE | 19 50 50 25 |
5.20 | Seattle Seahawks | 56 (50%) | Mike Pagel QB | 19 38 38 38 |
5.21 | Denver Broncos (thru RAMS) | 23 (45%) | Sean McInerney DL | 38 31 19 |
5.22 | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | 17 (100%) | Kerry Parker DB | 50 44 50 |
5.23 | New England Patriots | 84 (30%) | Kenny Duckett WR | 31 31 50 44 |
5.24 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru K.C.) | 4 (10%) | Jack Squirek LB | 50 50 19 |
5.25 | Denver Broncos (thru ATL.) | 77 (50%) | Larry Cowan RB | 38 38 38 50 44 |
5.26 | Pittsburgh Steelers (thru S.D.) | 34 (25%) | Mike Whitwell DB | 50 38 50 |
5.27 | Seattle Seahawks (thru DAL.) | 90 (30%) | Cedric Jones WR | 31 31 50 44 |
5.28 | Cleveland Browns | 44 (50%) | Ron Reeves QB | 19 31 31 31 |
QB - RS:25, RP:69, HP:13;
RB - RP:69;
WR - RP:69, HP:13;
TE - RS:25, RP:69;
OL - RS:25, RP:69;
DL & LB - if MS > 56 => RS:44, RP:56; if MS = 56 => RS:38, RP:50; if MS = 50 => RS:31, RP:44; if MS = 44 => RS:25, RP:38; if MS < 44 => RS:25, RP:31;
DB - if MS > 63 => RS:44, RP:56; if MS = 63 => RS:38, RP:50; if MS = 56 => RS:38, RP:44; if MS = 50 => RS:31, RP:38; if MS < 50 => RS:25, RP:31;